10 MAR 2017 by ideonexus

 The Receiving Set

In radio and television, for instance, the Other Men were technically far ahead of us, but the use to which they put their astounding inventions was disastrous. In civilized countries everyone but the pariahs carried a pocket receiving set. As the Other Men had no music, this may seem odd; but since they lacked newspapers, radio was the only means by which the man in the street could learn the lottery and sporting results which were his staple mental diet. The place of music, moreover, was ta...
Folksonomies: science fiction
Folksonomies: science fiction
  1  notes
19 MAY 2011 by ideonexus

 What is Sufficient Evidence for Something to Become a Fact

A scientific theorum has not been - cannot be - proved in the way a mathematical theorem is proved. But common sense treats it as a fact in the same sense as the 'theory' that the Earth is round and not flat is a fact, and the theory that green plants obtain energy from the sun is a fact. All are scientific theorums: supported by massive quantities of evidence, accepted by all informed observers, undisputed facts in the ordinary sense of the word. As with all facts, if we are going to be peda...
Folksonomies: theory evidence fact
Folksonomies: theory evidence fact
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How much evidence is necessary to make evolution a fact?

11 APR 2011 by ideonexus

 The Fascinating Ability of Humans to Walk Upright

We stand upright-after a little practice-on a ship that rolls because we possess an array of sensory nerve cells buried in our muscles, skin, and joints. The function of these sensors is to provide a constant flow of information to the brain about the movements and location in space of the various parts of our bodies, as well as the environmental forces currently acting on them. We also have a pair of balance organs associated with our ears which work like spirit-levels, each having a bubble ...
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A wonderful description of everything that goes into the process of walking and standing upright.